


<form method="post" action="load_statements.php?action=load" id="loadForm"

that is my form, which looks fine to me. in that form, i put this button:

<input type="button" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" onclick="confirmSubmit()" class="smallGreenButton" />

here is the function it calls:

function confirmSubmit() {
    // get the number of statements that are matched
            statementType : $("#statementType").val(),
            year : $("#year").val()
        function(data) {
            if(data['alreadyExists']) {
                if( confirm("Statements already exist for " + $("#statementType").html() + " " + $("#year").val() +
                    ". Are you sure you want to load more statements with these settings? (Note: All duplicate files will be replaced)"
                )) {
            } else {
        }, "json"

and as you can see, it calls $("#loadForm").submit();, but the form is not submitting (ie. the page is not refreshing). why is that?



Looks like you have the submit happening in a callback that only runs after an ajax post in your onclick handler.

In other words, when you click submit, the browser has to first go out and hit the checkForReplace action.

Joe Martinez
yes, which it does, and then hits `$("#loadForm").submit();` which does nothing.

its Ajax call, why you need to submit your form while you already process it using ajax. You can navigate away from page using

window.location.href = "/somewhere/else";
i need to process part of it before in order to give the user the correct confirm() statement.
+1  A:

The jQuery submit() event adds an event listener to happen when you submit the form. So your code is binding essentially nothing to the submit event. If you want that form to be submitted, you use old-school JavaScript (document.formName.submit()).


I'm leaving my original answer intact to point out where I was off (as at least two people have already downvoted me for). What I MEANT to say, is that if you have a function like this, it's confusing why you would post the values in an ajax portion and then use jQuery to submit the form. In this case, I would bind the event to the click of the button, and then return true if you want it to return, otherwise, return false, like so

$('#submit').click( function() {
  // ajax logic to test for what you want
  if (ajaxtrue) { return confirm(whatever); } else { return true;}

If this function returns true, then it counts as successful click of the submit button and the normal browser behavior happens. Then you've also separated the logic from the markup in the form of an event handler.

Make more sense?

Thats if you pass a function. If you just call submit(), the default submit action on the form will be fired, so the form will be submitted.
... supposedly... but for some reason, no =(
I've updated the answer to explain what I meant. I was not being very clear, that was my bad.
i need to get ajax data because depending on the form, the confirmation will be different (if you want specifics, i am checking to see if the file a user is uploading is already in the database, and if so, notifying that the old file will be overwritten). although it kills me to say it, your answer is better than mine, as it is more semantic and does not require an invisible submit button. i'm marking this as the correct answer, but i'm still confused as to why the submit() function didn't work =(
To be honest I think your problem is that the event that's firing it is the click of the submit button, and you're telling jQuery to perform a submit() within that function. All you really have to do is return true, and the onclick goes through.

i added an invisible submit button to the form, and instead of calling the submit() function, i call the click() function on the submit button =)

the button: <div style="display:none"><input id="alternateSubmit" type="submit" /></div>

the crazy way to get around the form submission: $("#alternateSubmit").click();

I updated my answer to include a new possible solution, which I successfully tested, I can provide the code for that if you'd like it.