I'm struggling with real-world use of JPA (Hibernate, EclipseLink, etc) in a Swing desktop application.
JPA seems like a great idea, but relies on lazy loading for efficiency. Lazy loading requires the entity manager exist for the lifetime of the entity beans, and offers no control over what thread is used for loading or any way to do the loading in the background while the EDT gets on with other things. Accessing a property that happens to be lazily loaded on the EDT will block your app's UI on database access, without even the opportunity to set a busy cursor. If the app is running on wifi/3G or slow Internet that can make it look like it has crashed.
To avoid lazy loading stalling the EDT I have to work with detached entities. Then, if I actually need the value of a lazy property all my components (even those that should supposedly be able to be unaware of the database) have to be prepared to handle lazy loading exceptions or use PersistenceUtil to test for property state. They have to dispatch entities back to the database worker thread to be merged and have properties loaded before being detached and returned again.
To make that efficient, my components need to know in advance what properties of a bean will be required.
So, you'll see all these shiny tutorials demonstrating how to whip up a simple CRUD app on the NetBeans Platform, Eclipse RCP, Swing App Framework, etc using JPA, but in reality the approaches demonstrated violate basic Swing practices (don't block the EDT) and are completely non-viable in the real world.
( More detail in write-up here: http://soapyfrogs.blogspot.com/2010/07/jpa-and-hibernateeclipselinkopenjpaetc.html )
There are some related questions with somewhat helpful responses, but none of them really cover the edt blocking / lazy loading / entity manager lifetime management issues together.
How are others solving this? Am I barking the wrong tree by trying to use JPA in a desktop app? Or are there obvious solutions I'm missing? How are you avoiding blocking the EDT and keeping your app responsive while using JPA for transparent database access?