I need to display data on my crystal report from the two tables in format given below. In the below table C /A are the image categories. 1, 2 are the total number of C or A's processed by user Amit , linked with UserMaster. Similarly, for CMS and PM, then their totals.
UserName UB CMS PM Total SubTotal
C | A C | A C | A C | A C + A
Amit 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 6 9
I have two tabled for the same. Usermaster and ImageDetails. Relationship is on verifybyuser(imagedetails), Userid(usermaster).
Imagedetails data
ImageType ImageCategory VerifiedByUser VerifiedDate
ub C 15 10/11/2007
ub A 1 10/12/2007
cms C 6 10/13/2007
cms A 6 10/14/2007
pm C 6 10/15/2007
pm A 2 10/16/2007
UserMaster data:
Userid Username
1 admin
6 araj
2 AMit