



In my Django application my model has some values set as properties - they are calculated on demand from other values (like, min. value of some other objects' field, etc). This works pretty well as I don't need to store those in the database and the calculations can be expensive, so they're cached.

So I have a model:

class A(models.Model):
    name = models.TextField(_('Name'))

    def max_of_some_values(self):
        # calculate it here, with caching,etc
        return 1
    max_value = property(max_of_some_values)

When I show this in my admin application, on the object list the name column is displaying using it's translation. So in Polish it's Nazwa, English it's Name, etc.

At the same time I found no way of adding a translated 'column' name for my property.

Anyone handled this before?


You can set a short_description property on the method to determine the column name - I believe it should be possible to mark this as translatable.

def max_of_some_values(self):
    # calculate it here, with caching,etc
    return 1
max_of_some_values.short_description = _('Max value')
Daniel Roseman