Hello, I am currently attempting to use Jquery Uploadify in order to upload multiple files to my server.
I need the server to send an email notification after the upload has been completed; however the problem is I need to use the multi function which at the moment causes the server to send the email each time at the end of each different file has been uploaded.
$tmpvars = $_SESSION['targetFiles'];
$tmpvars[] = $targetFile;
$_SESSION['targetFiles'] = $tmpvars;
foreach($_SESSION['targetFiles'] as $key=>$value) {
$body .= 'The value of Array ' . $key . ' is ' ."'". $value . "' " . ' <br />';
I need a link to the file to be posted within the email as well which is causing me the main problem due to the link being lost each time. I have attempted to use a SESSION however from what I can gather the SESSION is being stripped each time the uploadify.php is being uploaded.