import threading
import weakref
_mainlock = threading.RLock()
_job_locks = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
def do_thing(job_id):
_mainlock.acquire() #Dictionary modification lock acquire
_job_locks.setdefault(job_id, threading.RLock()) #Possibly modifies the dictionary
#On function return, the weakref.WeakValueDictionary should cause the key to evaporate
Assuming do_thing() is called many times on many threads with id numbers that may or may not be the same (say, 4 times with ID 3 and one time each with different IDs), is this thread safe? Will one_time_init() ever run more than once for a particular job ID at a time? (PS: one_time_init saves it's state that is has been run once for each ID, so calling it is a no-op if it has already run to completion)
Updated code (thanks THC4k):
import threading
import weakref
_mainlock = threading.RLock()
_job_locks = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
def do_thing(job_id):
with _mainlock:
jl = _job_locks.setdefault(job_id, threading.RLock())
with jl: