I have another SQL/access 2007 question that seems really basic but I'm not sure how to Google for it.
I have this table STUDENT-TERMS with the following fields:
StudentID (links to STUDENT table)
TermID (links to TERMS table)
TermGPA (this is the nugget of info that needs to be recorded)
STUDENT table looks like this:
TERMS table looks like this:
Start date
End date
I have a document with all of the info that gets uploaded into the Access doc. This document that I get has the same student and term IDs as exist in the database.
Then I can run an append query to get the data into the STUDENT-TERMS table. Which is fine.
How do I write the query such that there is only one record of each term for each student? So for example I have this data in the table right now:
StudentTerm ID: 5
StudentID: Tara
TermID: 1011Autumn
TermGPA: 3.8
When I upload and append a new document, it might still contain that information about Tara and I want the db to say "Hey, we already have that, skip it" as it does the appending. How do I indicate that?
HERE IS THE CONCLUSION/ANSWER/RESOLUTION: Thanks for your help everyone. This is what I wound up doing:
I made a new field in the table called StudentTerm which contains a concatenation of the StudentID and the Term (like so: Tara1011Autumn). This field is indexed with no duplicates.
The query that performs the appending looks like this:
INSERT INTO StudentTerms ( StudentID, TermID, GPA, StudentTerm ) SELECT Upload_Students.StudentID, Upload_Students.TermID, Upload_Students.GPA, [Upload_Students]![StudentID] & [Upload_Students]![TermID] AS Expr1 FROM Students INNER JOIN Upload_Students ON Students.StudentID = Upload_Students.StudentID;
This query attempts to fill the StudentTerm field with Tara1011Autumn. If that string already exists in the table, it won't append the record.