It's possible to do, but kind of complicated. You can retrieve the list of columns in a table from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
. For each column, you can run a query to see if any non-null row exists. Finally, you can run a query based on the resulting column list.
Here's one way to do that, with a cursor:
declare @table_name varchar(256)
set @table_name = 'Airports'
declare @rc int
declare @query nvarchar(max)
declare @column_list varchar(256)
declare columns cursor local for select column_name
open columns
declare @column_name varchar(256)
fetch next from columns into @column_name
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
set @query = 'select @rc = count(*) from ' + @table_name + ' where ' +
@column_name + ' is not null'
exec sp_executesql @query = @query, @params = N'@rc int output',
@rc = @rc output
if @rc > 0
set @column_list = case when @column_list is null then '' else
@column_list + ', ' end + @column_name
fetch next from columns into @column_name
close columns
deallocate columns
set @query = 'select ' + @column_list + ' from ' + @table_name
exec sp_executesql @query = @query
This runs on SQL Server. It might be close enough for Sybase. Hopefully, this demonstrates that typing out a column list isn't that bad :-)