Hi guys.. I'm having a bit of trouble accessing what I think element should be in my array. I am getting results from a webservice and trying to make sense of them.
The service returns an NSMutableArray called GroupOfHouses.
I have set up my code to set an array as such
NSMutableArray *myHousesGroup;
Then populate it
myHousesGroup = result
NSLog(@"Result = %@", result);
NSLog(@"Array Count: %d",[myHousesGroup count]);
So the above outputs
2010-07-23 23:03:33.628 demo4[40880:207] Result = (
<GroupOfHouses: 0x4c2f410>,
<GroupOfHouses: 0x4c303b0>
2010-07-23 23:03:33.631 demo4[40880:207] Array Count: 2
I want to see what's inside the NSMutableArray which seems to be inside the result array. I come from a PHP background, so the array structure is familiar, but not the method of accessing! I tried NSLog(@"Array Count: %d",[myHousesGroup[0] count]);
but that didn't work.
How can I set new arrays based on the number of results? It's basically that the result from the webservice could return 10 arrays of house information.
Thanks for any information.