For some complicated reason, I want to convert any supported type T (coming from a template) to a list of types I have chosen. For this, I tried using a template structure named "Convert". For example:
Convert<short>::type should be int
Convert<int>::type should be int
Convert<char>::type should be int
Convert<float>::type should be double
Convert<double>::type should be double
Convert<const char*>::type should be std::string
Convert<std::string>::type should be std::string
Those above are easy to implement using template specialisation. But there is one case that is causing problems :
Convert<T>::type where T is a functor should be T
To handle this, I think I have to use SFINAE but I can't manage to make it compile.
The code below gives me "partial specialization cannot match argument list for primary template" (ie. writing "Convert" is forbidden) :
template<typename T, typename = decltype(&T::operator())>
struct Convert<T> { typedef T type; };
And this one gives me "template parameter not used or deducible in partial specialization" (ie. it thinks that T is not used) :
template<typename T>
struct Convert<typename std::enable_if<std::is_function<typename T::operator()>::value,T>::type>
{ typedef T type; };
I have no idea of what to do, all my attempts result in one of the two errors above.
EDIT: I would like to catch other generic things using the same model, so I can't just write "typedef T type" in the non-specialized structure.