Hi. I am making a site that depend on users to register to be able to play my online game. If they don't login they only get to see the intro page.
If the user login to the site I will save this information to the cookie so next time they visit they will be sent directly to the login.php. If the user don't have this information in the cookie they will be sent to intro.php.
Of course I want as many users as possible to register (Or in this case, as high percent as possible). To do this I want to separate 50% of the users to intro1.php and the other 50% to intro2.php. Then I want to compare the amount/percent of users that clicks on the registration.php link and how many that click away from the site.
I want to have a statistic of exactly what percent of visitors that go from intro1.php to registration.php and exactly what percent that go from intro2.php to registration.php. This way I can compare the success rate of my intro1.php and intro2.php and improve my intro page. How can I accomplish this?