
How do I Extend Blogengine.Net to collect statistics of visitors?

I love BlogEngine. But from what I can se it does not collect the standard information about the visitors I would like to see (referrer, browser-type and so on). When I log in as Admin I have a menu item named "Referrer". I can choose a weekday and then I'll be presented with 1 or 2 rows with " 4 hits, " 6 hits...

How to measure visiting time of a user

I like to measure the time a user spent on a particualr page of my webapp. First i thought about catching the onunload/onbeforeunload event in the browser and notify the server via a XMLHttpRequest that the user is leaving now like: <body onunload="userLeaves('/url/to/current/page',xxx);" ...> ... </body> where xxx is the inital tiems...

Tracking Unique Page Views

What is the best method of tracking page views (uniques specially) for a certain page? Example: Threads in a forum, Videos in a video website, questions in a Q/A script(SO). Currently, I'm taking the approach of just a simple "Views" column for each row I'm trying to count the views for, however, I know this is not the most efficient w...

Minimalistic visitor stats based on PHP?

Does anybody know a minimalistic, nice-looking visitor statistics suite based on PHP that displays visitor stats in a end-user friendly way. I know Google Analytics, and the big names in PHP and Perl based traffic analysis; they are all too complicated and feature-rich for what I need. I am looking for something that is already totally ...

public AWStats data on the web page

I have a site that is analyzed by AWStats, and I am satisfied with the information its provides. Now, is there a way to display a little picture-icon with main AWstats(hits, etc) data on the bottom of the (main)web site page? Or maybe there is a way to programmatically recuperate this kind of information? ...

How to identify unique user?

Question How can you determine if a user is unique or not? I understand there are many ways to do this using cookies, but what about methods that don't use cookies? For example, go to Urban Dictionary and click one of the up/down vote buttons. Even if you delete your cookies and come back to the page, you will not be allowed to cast a...

how to select database content foreach month ?

i have table named visits in my database like this : id ip action_date|time_stamp i use this code to store site visits /* Hits table has an auto-incrementing id and an ip field */ // Grab client IP $ip = $this->input->ip_address(); // Check for previous visits $query = $this->db->get_where('visits'...

Determine how many users viewed a page

I am working on a component in C# to record how many unique viewers have viewed my website / page, making certain the same user revisiting, is not recorded twice. What is an efficient method to write such a component? Do you track cookies or session objects? Would I record their ip address (which is not static) or computer name? This inf...

Multiple web sits application visitor counter

I have a multiple web sits application. In this application different domains using the same pages. All pages inherit from base class named: PageBase wich inherit from System.Web.UI.Page. By using: HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"] i cen determine what is the domain and then get all the info i need for this...

How to determine the most frequently visited routes through a web site by visitors?

Hi, I want to be able to discover the 10 most popular routes through our web site that lead a visitor to register with us. I have already logged all of this info, but don't seem to be able to find the best solution to query it. The site is quite high traffic, > 3 million page views per month, so the solution needs to scale. What sugg...

How do you separate visitors to two intro pages to compare amt of registration per visitor?

Hi. I am making a site that depend on users to register to be able to play my online game. If they don't login they only get to see the intro page. If the user login to the site I will save this information to the cookie so next time they visit they will be sent directly to the login.php. If the user don't have this information in the c...

View counter ASP.NET MVC

I'm going to create a view counter for articles. I have some questions: Should I ignore article's author when he opens the article? I don't want to update database each time. I can store in a Dictionary<int, int> (articleId, viewCount) how many times each article was viewed. After 100 hits I can update the database. I should only coun...

Using htaccess to track visitors?

I have a demo server where I put samples of my apps, I send potential customers links to those apps. Is it possible to use htaccess to track visitors, without adding tracking capability to the apps themselves? The data I'm interested in are: date and time of page visit ip of visitor url of the page visited referrer post and get (query ...

Detecting a "unique" anonymous users

It is impossible to identify a user or request as unique since duping is trivial. However, there are a handful of methods that, combined, can hamper cheating attempts and give a user quasi-unique status. I know of the following: IP Address - store the IP address of each visitor in a database of some sort Can be faked Multiple comput...