



I know Windows Task Scheduler is iffy at best, what I don't know is why. I tried to create a couple of tasks that would run a PHP script at various intervals, but nothing happens. No errors no nothing.

If I right click on the task in the Task Scheduler and choose run - it works perfectly, but it will not run at the specified times by itself.

Any one know why this is?

I have already done a million google searches and tried a ton of fixes which don't work - so please only answer if you have come across this and have a solution, Although I appreciate the effort, I don't think it helps me or anyone reading to rehash the same stuff found elsewhere.

I am running Windows 2003 SP2 with the latest updates. This is what is in my Task:

E:\PHP-5.3\php.exe E:\Websites\GD\cronjobs\cron_minute.php

It is set to run every 1 minute everyday. I also have others that range from every 5 minutes to once a month. It is set up to use the local user and has the password set.

I have also set up the a bat file with the php info and just had the task scheduler call the bat file, still won't work unless I run it manually.



Still looking for an answer to this. Just some added information to make it more interesting. I left the original task set up to see what would happen, and since I originally posted this question it has worked about 10 times.

I mean seriously. I'll just be working away and all of a sudden my batch file starts and then maybe a few hours or a day or so later it will run again. It is supposed to run once a minute 24/7.

So if anyone is brave enough to delve into the minds of Windows prorammers to see just what kind of drugs they were on, this is a good one to start with.

