



I'm getting an interesting new error with iOS 4:

-[NSCFString substringWithRange:]: Invalid range {11, 4294967295}; this will become an exception for apps linked on SnowLeopard. Warning shown once per app execution.

The error is caused by a snippet of code I got from a blog post that helps Title Case a string, and it's not going to be hard to fix, but I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else, and I'm assuming Apple wants people to stop using the magic 4294967295 number.

Does anyone know about the history / background of this change?

EDIT: Source for the Title Case code is located at: It's the objective-c port (obviously). Line 116 is the offender. Clearly it's a problem only under some specific condition. I'm still tracking it down.

+1  A: 

Unsigned 4294967295 is the same as the signed uint32_t value for -1. I've seen problems where a 32 bit app archived -1 and a 64 bit app unarchived it as a Big Ass Length (terribly fun when it was Xcode calling malloc(4294967295) during the 64-bit bring-up).

The Cocoa frameworks are detecting that you passed in a range where the length is longer than the string itself. Warning now, with truncated results, but it'll be a hard error in the future.

(In some cases, NSNotFound can cause these kinds of issues).

Yes, this was the problem, and also explains the motivation for the change on Apple's part. Thank you.