I am continually writing a program to improve my knowledge of linked-lists and how they function. I was wondering if some of you could review my code and notice any faults that you may be familiar with, or any errors in general. The functions work for my test functions, but obviously, I have not tested every scenario possible.
// LinkedList.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
struct node
int value;
node* next;
node* push(node*, int);
node* pop(node*);
node* pop(node*, int);
node* insert(node*, int, int);
void printList(const node*);
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
node* head = NULL;
for(int i = 1; i <= 15; ++i)
head = push(head, i);
for(int j = 14; j >= 0; j = j - 2)
head = pop(head, j);
head = pop(head);
head = insert(head, 4, 27);
node* push(node* read, int val)
node* write = read;
if(read == NULL)
read = new node;
read->next = NULL;
read->value = val;
cout << "Node Head: " << read->value << endl;
return read;
while(read->next != NULL)
read = read->next;
read->next = new node;
read->next->next = NULL;
read->next->value = val;
read = read->next;
cout << "Node Link: " << read->value << endl;
return write;
node* pop(node* read)
node* write = read;
if(read->next == NULL)
delete read;
read = NULL;
return write;
while(read->next != NULL)
if(read->next->next == NULL)
cout << "Pop: " << read->next->value << endl;
delete read->next;
read->next = NULL;
read = read->next;
return write;
node* pop(node* read, int pos)
node* write = read;
if(read->next == NULL)
delete read;
return write;
if(pos == 0)
node* old = read;
cout << "Pop: " << read->value << endl;
read = read->next;
delete old;
return read;
for(int i = 0; i < (pos - 1); i++)
read = read->next;
node* old = read->next;
cout << "Pop: " << old->value << endl;
read->next = read->next->next;
delete old;
return write;
node* insert(node* read, int pos, int val)
node* write = read;
for(int i = 0; i < (pos - 1); i++)
read = read->next;
node* ins = new node;
ins->value = val;
cout << "Insert: " << ins->value << endl;
ins->next = read->next;
read->next = ins;
return write;
void printList(const node* read)
if(read != NULL)
cout << "List Item: " << read->value << endl;
Node Head: 1
Node Link: 2
Node Link: 3
Node Link: 4
Node Link: 5
Node Link: 6
Node Link: 7
Node Link: 8
Node Link: 9
Node Link: 10
Node Link: 11
Node Link: 12
Node Link: 13
Node Link: 14
Node Link: 15
Pop: 15
List Item: 1
List Item: 2
List Item: 3
List Item: 4
List Item: 5
List Item: 6
List Item: 7
List Item: 8
List Item: 9
List Item: 10
List Item: 11
List Item: 12
List Item: 13
List Item: 14
Pop: 13
List Item: 1
List Item: 2
List Item: 3
List Item: 4
List Item: 5
List Item: 6
List Item: 7
List Item: 8
List Item: 9
List Item: 10
List Item: 11
List Item: 12
List Item: 14
Pop: 11
List Item: 1
List Item: 2
List Item: 3
List Item: 4
List Item: 5
List Item: 6
List Item: 7
List Item: 8
List Item: 9
List Item: 10
List Item: 12
List Item: 14
Pop: 9
List Item: 1
List Item: 2
List Item: 3
List Item: 4
List Item: 5
List Item: 6
List Item: 7
List Item: 8
List Item: 10
List Item: 12
List Item: 14
Pop: 7
List Item: 1
List Item: 2
List Item: 3
List Item: 4
List Item: 5
List Item: 6
List Item: 8
List Item: 10
List Item: 12
List Item: 14
Pop: 5
List Item: 1
List Item: 2
List Item: 3
List Item: 4
List Item: 6
List Item: 8
List Item: 10
List Item: 12
List Item: 14
Pop: 3
List Item: 1
List Item: 2
List Item: 4
List Item: 6
List Item: 8
List Item: 10
List Item: 12
List Item: 14
Pop: 1
List Item: 2
List Item: 4
List Item: 6
List Item: 8
List Item: 10
List Item: 12
List Item: 14
Pop: 14
Insert: 27
List Item: 2
List Item: 4
List Item: 6
List Item: 8
List Item: 27
List Item: 10
List Item: 12