I am using the previewCallback from the camera to try and grab images. Here is the code I am using
private Camera.PreviewCallback mPrevCallback = new Camera.PreviewCallback()
public void onPreviewFrame( byte[] data, Camera Cam ) {
Log.d("CombineTestActivity", "Preview started");
Log.d("CombineTestActivity", "Data length = "
+ data.length );
currentprev = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray( data, 0,
data.length );
if( currentprev == null )
Log.d("CombineTestActivity", "currentprev is null" );
Log.d("CombineTestActivity", "Preview Finished" );
the length of the data always comes otu the same as 576000.
Also I have tried changing the parameters of the camera so the image comes back as different formats. Here is what it looks like when I do that.
mCamera = Camera.open();
camParam = mCamera.getParameters();
camParam.setPreviewFormat( ImageFormat.RGB_565 );
mCamera.setParameters( camParam );
mCamera.setPreviewCallback( mPrevCallback );
However both when I change the preview format and when I leave it as its default of NV21, BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray comes back as null. I have also tried changing the preview format to JPEG type. I even get a debug statement in the ddms, this is what I get
"D/skia (14391): --- SkImageDecoder::Factory returned null"