



So I have IntelliJ and love it, and have been using the python plugin for a while. But I noticed that they have PyCharm coming out in beta now. I haven't been using pycharm since I just use IntelliJ for everything, but is there a compelling reason to buy pycharm?


PyCharm supports django and Google App Engine. The django support is really nice if you use django.

So does IntelliJ now have any django support at all?
+2  A: 

Right now PyCharm is quite a bit farther ahead in terms of functionality compared to the Python plugin for IntelliJ IDEA 9. Once we start the EAP for IntelliJ IDEA 10, we'll also release a new version of the Python plugin containing all the latest features of PyCharm, but we don't currently plan to backport the new features to the IDEA 9 version of the plugin. So, if you're OK with using EAP builds of IntelliJ IDEA, you shouldn't need to buy a separate license for PyCharm.
