I am trying hard to emulate the basic functionality of the built in camera app. Thus far I have become stuck on the 'tap to focus' feature.
I have a UIView from which I am collecting UITouch events when a single finger is tapped on the UIView. This following method is called but the camera focus & the exposure are unchanged.
if( [camera lockForConfiguration:nil] )
CGPoint location = [touch locationInView:cameraView];
if( [camera isFocusPointOfInterestSupported] )
camera.focusPointOfInterest = location;
if( [camera isExposurePointOfInterestSupported] )
camera.exposurePointOfInterest = location;
[camera unlockForConfiguration];
[cameraView animFocus:location];
'camera' is my AVCaptureDevice & it is non-nil. Can someone perhaps tell me where I am going wrong?
Clues & boos all welcome.