





Before I start thanking everybody.

Through my application s/w I will read syncro values which will be in angles. When I run Python script, the values are collected in particular variables.

Suppose the range is -180 to 180.

And I got angle as -180. According to the requirement it should be +/-1 deg window;ie; between 179 and -179.

How I will check whether its falling in that range ?

angle = -180
tolerance = 1 (in degree)
if(180-1) <= -180 <= (-180+1):
       # statements

angle1 = -179
tolerance = 1
if(-170-1)<= -179 <= (-179+1):
      # statements

angle2 = 179
tolerance = 1
if(179-1) <= 179 <= (179+1):
         # statements

will this work for all angle combinations ? what you think ?

+1  A: 
if -180 < x < 180:
    #do something

This includes -179 and 179 in the range, but not -180 and 180.

-180 and 180 coincides at the same point.
But python does not know that. If this solution does not fit your requirements, you'll have to restate them more clearly.
will the above combinations work ?
That depends on what your requirements are.
This. Or -180 <= x < 180, to include -180. Or -180 < x <= 180, to include... oh screw this, minimal thinking and elementary math can tell you.

If I understand you correctly, you have some angles that you want to make sure that they are close to a target angle, given a specific tolerance defining the closeness. I think this is what you need:

def restrict_angle(angle):
    "make sure any angle falls in the [0..360) range"
    return angle % 360

def is_angle_almost(angle, target_angle, tolerance):

    tolerance= abs(tolerance) # same meaning, easier logic

    angle= restrict_angle(angle)
    upper_limit= restrict_angle(target_angle + tolerance)
    lower_limit= restrict_angle(target_angle - tolerance)

    if upper_limit < lower_limit: # when target_angle close to -180
        upper_limit+= 360

    return (lower_limit <= angle <= upper_limit
        or lower_limit <= angle + 360 <= upper_limit)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    for test in (
        ( (90, 92, 3), True),
        ( (90, 92, -3), True),
        ( (90, 92, -1), False),
        ( (180, 181, 1), True),
        ( (180, 182, 1), False),
        ( (179, -180, 1), True),
        ( (-175, 180, 6), True),
        ( (-175, 180, 4), False),
        ( (4, 0, 5), True),
        if is_angle_almost(*test[0]) != test[1]:
            print ("fails for " + str(test[0]))
        print "all tests successful"

The function you will use is is_angle_almost.