Hi all,
I am using R to open up some saved .csv files in a particular pairwise manner and perform a statistical test ("mantel.rtest", found in the package "ade4"). The .csv files are sequentially named as either "fileAX" or "fileBY", where X and Y are integers.
I'd like to save the results of this test in a single file, but am running into some issues.
Here's the code (please forgive the inefficient usage of "paste":
x <- 1:15; y <- 1:15
filename1 <- paste(paste(c("fileA"), 1:15, sep = ""), ".csv", sep = "")
filename2 <- paste(paste(c("fileB"), 1:15, sep = ""), ".csv", sep = "")
for(i in seq(along=x)) {
M1 <- read.table(paste("C:\\scripts\\", filename1[i], sep = ""), header = FALSE, sep = ",")
for(j in seq(along=y)) {
M2 <- read.table(paste("C:\\scripts\\", filename2[j], sep = ""), header = FALSE, sep = ",")
mantelout <- mantel.rtest(dist(matrix(M1, 9, 9)), dist(matrix(M2, 9, 9)), nrepet = 99)
write.table(mantelout, file = "C:\\results\\mantelout")
Attempting to do this results in the following error message:
Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors) : cannot coerce class '"rtest"' into a data.frame
I tried to convert "mantelout" to some friendlier format using various functions such as "unlist" and "as.vector", to no avail. Any thoughts?
Thanks, WAW
EDIT: I should note that the output of this test in the R environment looks as follows:
Monte-Carlo test
Observation: 0.5324712
Call: mantel.rtest(m1 = dist(matrix(M1, 9, 9)), m2 = dist(matrix(M2, 9, 9)), nrepet = 99)
Based on 99 replicates
Simulated p-value: 0.01"