I use VS2008 to develop a excel 2007 add-in, within add-in I want to use Activation Context API to instantiate a COM class.
The werid thing is I can instantiate the COM class successfully on Window 7, buf fails on Windows XP/2003.
Here's the code-snippet
string codeBase = this.GetType().Assembly.CodeBase;
string asmFullPath = new Uri(codeBase).LocalPath;
string comAssemblyPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(asmFullPath);
ACTCTX ac = new ACTCTX();
ac.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ACTCTX));
ac.lpAssemblyDirectory = comAssemblyPath;
ac.lpSource = Path.Combine(comAssemblyPath, "ComViewer.x.manifest");
IntPtr cookie;
IntPtr hActCtx = CreateActCtxW(ref ac);
if (ActivateActCtx(hActCtx, out cookie))
//instantiate COM class
IComViewer = new ComViewerClass();
DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie);
//TODO: Error message.
The COM is written in C++ and the manifest looks like:
On Windows 2003/XP, I found that add-in looked for ComViewer.dll in c:\program files\microsoft Office\Office 12 rather than the directory I specified in lpAssemblyDirectory.
Anyone can help? thanks in advance.