



I have created an HTMl page with three section, header, footer and a table section which is placed in between the header and footer.The header and footer is fixed at top and bottom using the css (top:0px; and bottom:0px;) with specific height.

All the three are defined in divs.The scrollable table have to be fixed in between the header and footer, ie when we zoomin and zoomout the table have to stretch in between the header and footer.

can anyone help?


Hi Buddy,

If you give width and height in percentage. Your table will have dynamic width, depending on the screen or window width.

eg., width=100% and height = 100%.

I guess you can give % width for Div also. using css: div {width: 50%; }

If you have scrollable table something like fixed header and fixed footer you can visit my blog I hope this information will help you.

All the best.

Regards, Shahib
