Hi, i am using the following code to draw a circular edge in scene.
// Create edges around the entire screen
b2BodyDef groundBodyDef;
b2Body *groundBody = _world->CreateBody(&groundBodyDef);
b2PolygonShape groundBox;
b2FixtureDef boxShapeDef;
boxShapeDef.shape = &groundBox;
float angle;
float previousX;
float previousY;
float radius=50;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
angle = i*2*M_PI/100;
groundBox.SetAsEdge(b2Vec2(previousX,previousY), b2Vec2(240 + (cos(angle) * radius)/PTM_RATIO, 120 + (sin(angle) * radius)/PTM_RATIO));
previousX=240 + (cos(angle) * radius)/PTM_RATIO;
previousY=120 + (sin(angle) * radius)/PTM_RATIO;
but i think the circular edge doesn't create properly...i can't test although... can anyone help me....??