



I want to send a class instance to my Web Service(ASP.NET - C#). How can I do?

+1  A: 

If this is a SOAP enabled web service you need to first generate a client proxy by pointing svcutil.exe (or wsdl.exe if you are using .NET 2.0) to the WSDL that is exposed by the web service. You could also do this directly in Visual Studio (Add Service Reference...). This will generate the client proxy classes that will enable you to invoke service methods and pass them object instances they accept.

If this is not a SOAP web service you will need to provide more details.

Darin Dimitrov
Hımm,Thanks.Serialize is a solution for me?
Serialization is handled automatically by the generated client proxy classes, so that you don't need to worry about the plumbing.
Darin Dimitrov
My class is derived and isnt serialized.I cant send class value to web servise.