I'm using SQL 2005 and wish to create a number address records, updating the contact records with the new Id's:
Take the following tables
create table contact(id int primary key identity, home_address_id int, work_address_id int)
create table address(id int primary key identity, street varchar(25), number int)
And foreign keys:
ALTER TABLE dbo.contact ADD CONSTRAINT FK_contact_address1 FOREIGN KEY (home_address_id) REFERENCES dbo.address(id)
ALTER TABLE dbo.contact ADD CONSTRAINT FK_contact_address2 FOREIGN KEY (work_address_id) REFERENCES dbo.address(id)
some dummy data
insert into contact default values
insert into contact default values
insert into contact default values
How can I insert a default empty address record for all contacts who have no home address, and update the home_address_id in one go?
The first part is simple:
insert into address(street) select null from contact where home_address_id is null
I can even get the newly create address id's:
declare @addressTable table(id int)
insert into address(street)
select null from contact where home_address_id is null
Here's the new id's
select * from @addressTable
But how to update the contact table with these new Id's?