sub Solve
my ($goal, $elements) = @_;
# For extra speed, you can remove this next line
# if @$elements is guaranteed to be already sorted:
$elements = [ sort { $a <=> $b } @$elements ];
my (@results, $RecursiveSolve, $nextValue);
$RecursiveSolve = sub {
my ($currentGoal, $included, $index) = @_;
for ( ; $index < @$elements; ++$index) {
$nextValue = $elements->[$index];
# Since elements are sorted, there's no point in trying a
# non-final element unless it's less than goal/2:
if ($currentGoal > 2 * $nextValue) {
$RecursiveSolve->($currentGoal - $nextValue,
[ @$included, $nextValue ],
$index + 1);
} else {
push @results, [ @$included, $nextValue ]
if $currentGoal == $nextValue;
return if $nextValue >= $currentGoal;
} # end for
}; # end $RecursiveSolve
$RecursiveSolve->($goal, [], 0);
return @results;
} # end Solve
my @results = Solve(7, [2,3,4,7]);
print "@$_\n" for @results;
This started as a fairly direct translation of the C# version from the question you linked, but I simplified it a bit (and now a bit more, and also removed some unnecessary variable allocations, added some optimizations based on the list of elements being sorted, and rearranged the conditions to be slightly more efficient).
I've also now added another significant optimization. When considering whether to try using an element that doesn't complete the sum, there's no point if the element is greater than or equal to half the current goal. (The next number we add will be even bigger.) Depending on the set you're trying, this can short-circuit quite a bit more. (You could also try adding the next element instead of multiplying by 2, but then you have to worry about running off the end of the list.)