




Hello, i wish to migrate to C++ , having a more or less concrete C# & .NET Background. I Want to escape from the shackles of the .NET Environment [THE FRAMEWORKS] but don't feel like starting the learning process from scratch (the OO P introductions, types etc...) so I'm looking for a book that skips some of that and is centered around Qt, the latter point being the priority. if you can recommend such a book, thanks ! :)

+4  A: 

Let's be clear : the C++ language and Qt are two totally separate entities.

If you want to start using Qt without learning the C++ particularities first, you're already lost.

If I were you, I would use two books :

Read them in this order and you should be safe. Don't skip the first one, your C# background will just lost you in the C++ world.

The core of C++ has not changed that much, though in about two years I suppose there will be some big changes. Instead, the libraries supporting C++ application development have changed quite a bit, such as Qt.
Dr. Watson
Dr.Watson is right, the more advanced usage of C++ is currently using features from the last standard that was from 99 and had a Technical Report with some fixes and new libraries in 2003. Those books are still valid for some years.About being autodidact, I am autodidact (dont even have a diploma) and I (re)learned C++ right with Thinking in C++ (the two books). Accelerated C++ is a book that is really often cited when talking about learning C++ so I think it might be as good or better than Thinking in C++ for autodidact.
Thanks, I'll follow your advice :).