Hi, I'm trying to write a method that interpolates from 0 to x (position of an object in one dimension) over time using acceleration at the beginning and deceleration at the end (ease out / ease in) with the only constraints that the total time is provided, as well as the duration of the acceleration and deceleration. the motion should replicate the inertia effect and I'm considering a Hermite curve for the non-linear portions.
double Interpolate(
double timeToAccel, double timeCruising, double timeToDecel,
double finalPosition,
double currentTime)
Can someone point me out to a portion of code that does that? I don't know how to integrate the Hermite curve, hence don't know how much I'll move in the accelerating portion or in the decelerating portion, and in turn I can't figure out what will be the speed in the linear portion.
Some reference to illustrate my question.
- start and end speeds are null, and the current time is also part of the parameters in the method, I've updated the signature.
- basically the idea is to imagine a move at constant speed on a distance d, this gives a total duration. Then we add the acceleration and deceleration phases, while maintaining the same duration, hence we have an unknown new cruise speed to determinate (because we move less in the Hermite phases than in the linear phases they have replaced). Maybe the amount of move lost in the Hermite phases, compared to a linear move of the same duration is the ratio between the top and bottom area in the curves, just an idea from a non expert.
Edit: Roman and Bob10 have provided full working solutions. I implemented the code from Roman. Thanks to you both, guys! I appreciate your perfect support and your detailed solutions, you saved me long searches and trials.