




Dear all,

I am using ggplot2 (respectively qplot) to generate a report with Sweave. Now I need some help with the adjustment of the size of the plot. I use the following Sweave code to include it.


If I add a width argument (like shown below) to plot is squeezed down, but not really scaled down.


If I use ggsave() instead, I could use a scale argument and influence the size of the resulting .pdf file. Is there a way to influence the dimensions of the plot without saving it (since the .pdf is generated by Sweave anyway) ? Is there anything I need to add to my qplot code?

+ scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-0.3,0.3))

Thx for any suggestions in advance!

+1  A: 

Instead of doing this within ggplot2, add the following LaTeX code before the code chunk where you print the graph.

\SweaveOpts{width=x, height=y}

x and y are height and width in inches.

If there is a particular aspect ratio you would like your plot to be, you can set this in ggplot2 with opts(). Unless I have some other reason, I usually try to keep my plots scaled to the golden ratio, per Tufte's suggestions. Usually I have

SweaveOpts{width=8, height=5}
<<label = "makeplot", echo = F>>=
  p <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + 
    opts(aspect.ratio = 2/(1+sqrt(5)) )
Great answer! (accepted). +1 for anticipating that it's not solely a Sweave problem, but an aspect.ratio thing.
Scatterplots are usually best with a square aspect ratio - a priori there is not usually reason to favour one variable over the other.

The Sweave options width and height influence the dimensions of the PDF file but not the size of the figures in the document. Put something like


after \begin{document} to get smaller plots.

Source: Sweave manual, sec. 4.1.2

Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya