I am getting an error in Xcode when using templates in C++. Can someone tell me what is wrong?
The first version reports an error in Xcode, but not in Visual Studio.
// Version 1: Error in Xcode, but not Visual Studio
template<typename LengthT, typename VertexT>
int MyGraphAlgorithm(...arguments omitted...)
using namespace boost;
typedef property<vertex_distance_t, LengthT> VertextProperties_t;
typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, directedS, VertextProperties_t> Graph;
// In next line Xcode reports: "error: expected `;' before 'vertexInitial'"
graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor vertexInitial(100);
The second has no error. The difference is the use of the template parameter LengthT in a templated typedef.
// Version 2: No error in Xcode or Visual Studio
template<typename LengthT, typename VertexT>
int MyGraphAlgorithm(...arguments omitted...)
using namespace boost;
// In the following line, LengthT has been changed to int
typedef property<vertex_distance_t, int> VertextProperties_t;
typedef adjacency_list<vecS, vecS, directedS, VertextProperties_t> Graph;
graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor vertexInitial(100);