Hi all,
I'm currently writing an application that will control positioning of a measurement device. Because of the hardware involved I need to poll for the current position value constantly while running the electric motor. I'm trying to build the class responsible for this so that it does the polling on a background thread and will raise an event when the desired position is reached. The idea being that the polling won't block the rest of the application or the GUI. I wanted to use the new Threading.Task.Task class to handle all the background thread plumbing for me.
I haven't got the hardware yet, but have build a test stub to simulate this behavior. But when I run the application like this the GUI still blocks. See a simplified example of the code below (not complete and not using separate class for device control). The code has a sequence of measurement steps, the application has to position and then measure for each step.
public partial class MeasurementForm: Form
private MeasurementStepsGenerator msg = new MeasurementsStepGenerator();
private IEnumerator<MeasurementStep> steps;
// actually through events from device control class
private void MeasurementStarted()
// update GUI
// actually through events from device control class
private void MeasurementFinished()
// store measurement data
// update GUI
private void MeasurementForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
steps = msg.GenerateSteps().GetEnumerator();
private void BeginNextMeasurementStep()
if (steps.Current != null)
// finished, update GUI
// stub method for device control (actually in seperate class)
public void MeasureAtPosition(decimal position)
// simulate polling
var context = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();
Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
}, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning)
.ContinueWith(_ =>
}, context);
I would expect the Task to run the Thread.Sleep command on a background thread so control returns to the main thread immediately and the GUI doesn't get blocked. But the GUI still gets blocked. It's like the Task runs on the main thread. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here?