




Hi guys, one more question: I created an inputfield and added an AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior ("onkeyup"). Now I want to execute some code only if the right key (space-key) is pressed. How am I able to get the last pressed key? I thought it would be stored in the target attribute but I couldn't find it there... Is there any easy way to solve this problem?

Thx guys! CU Sylvus

+1  A: 

You should not use an AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior if you want to capture keys. This behavior is reserved for actions that update the form component model. I would probably try to do it in javascript alone, especially if you are using a javascript framework like mootools or prototype. Here is some sample code for mootools (no need to send this to the server):

    this.add(new TextField<String>("textField").add(new AbstractBehavior(){

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private Component component;

        public void bind(final Component component){
            this.component = component.setOutputMarkupId(true);

        public void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response){
                "$('" + this.component.getMarkupId() + "')" +
                    ".addEvent('keyup',function(event){" +
                        "if(' '==event.key){" +
                            "alert('you pressed space!!!')" +
                        "}" +
                    "}" +


if no js library is available, here's a wicket-only solution:

        public void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response){
                + this.component.getMarkupId()
                + "',onkeyup',function(event){" + "if(' '==event.key){"
                + "alert('you pressed space!!!')" + "}" + "}" + ");");

but this does not deal with cross-browser issues in event handling


Hi, I think I need a little more help :) First of all: I'm not using mootools or prototype so I tryed your second piece of code! Also it is just a demo version so cross browser issues are allowed ^^

Now to the code - I tryed the following:

searchInput.add(new AbstractBehavior() {
     public void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response) {
    response.renderOnDomReadyJavascript("Wicket.Event.add('" +  
        searchInput.getMarkupId() + "',onkeyup',function(event){"
         + "if(' '==event.key){" + "alert('you pressed space!!!')" + "}" + "}" + ");");

But it's not working. Any ideas? Also I don't want to give a message via "alert" :) Is there a way to reload some code with AJAX? Thx for your time, if you don't know why it is not working, I can paste some more code :)

Bye bye (no INet over the weekend)...

`no INet over the weekend` I can top that. I'm off on holiday and if I'm unlucky I won't have Inet for two weeks. Install firebug and set a breakpoint in the javascript code that's inserted in the page. Then press space. Does anything happen?
What do you want to happen? Please describe the functionality you want so we can pick the right behavior.
@Sylvus - yet again, this isn't an answer. This extra information should be appended to your original question. Learn to use the site properly.

All right :) But now I have the solution (thx to you, google and firebug!):

        searchInput.add(new AbstractBehavior() {

            private static final long   serialVersionUID    = 1L;
            private Component           component;

            public void bind(final Component component) {
                this.component = component.setOutputMarkupId(true);

            public void renderHead(final IHeaderResponse response) {
                response.renderOnDomReadyJavascript("document.getElementById('" + this.component.getMarkupId() + "').onkeyup=function(event){\n"
                        + "if(32==event.keyCode){\n" + "alert('you pressed space!!!')" + "\n}" + "}");


Thank you! And sorry for my last post...

if you really want to send every single key press to the server, yes. but what a waste of bandwidth to do that.