I don't think that's possible, but it shouldn't matter too much, because at that point it's not an aggregation function anymore. For example:
#use summarize() in ddply()
data.means <- ddply(data, .(groups), summarize, mean = mean(x), sd = sd(x), n = length(x))
data.means$se <- data.means$sd / sqrt(data.means$n)
data.means$Upper <- data.means$mean + (data.means$SE * 1.96)
data.means$Lower <- data.means$mean - (data.means$SE * 1.96)
So I didn't calculate the SEs directly, but it wasn't so bad calculating it outside of ddply()
. If you really wanted to, you could also do
ddply(data, .(groups), summarize, se = sd(x) / sqrt(length(x)))
Or to put it in terms of your example
ddply(df, .(col), summarize,