



Is it possible to easily resolve all Apple OSX devices connected to a single LAN network (the same switch / hub is enough)? I know OSX provides Bonjour service and you can easily query other Macs connected to the network. But I am not sure whether iPhone / iPods provide similar identification.

The identification should be device id - in this case Mac address. So that if the same device later connects to another LAN we know it has been visiting in other LANs before.

Does MAC address hold vendor id information? So that we know particular MACs belong to Apple?

Possible ideas:

  • Use Bonjour to query Mac computers

  • Resolve IP address to MAC address using ARP


Scan all IP addresses connected to LAN (possible on iPhone?)

Resolve IP to MAC

Filter MACs based on iPhone / iPod etc. features

Edit: Looks like there is an app doing this so it should be possible somehow