



I have a RollingFileAppender that rolls over the log file when it reaches a specified file size. This works great.

Is there a way to have log4net insert a header at the top of each newly created log file? Alternatively, is there a way to be notified by log4net when a roll over occurs so that I can write this header myself?

+3  A: 

Hi Anthony

I think you may have to extend an appender or write your own appender for this.

+3  A: 

This seems to work:

<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
     <header value="[Header]&#13;&#10;" />
     <conversionPattern value=" ... " />

Though it will also write the header if you re-start the application.

Stefan Egli
But (from the docs) headers are added at the beginning of a logging session -- not necessarily the beginning of a newly rolled logfile.
My tests showed that they are written in every file as well. I also looked at the source code and saw that this is the case.
Stefan Egli