



Apple has introduced the possibility of deleting an app. Quoting the iTunes Connect guide:

If you have created an app in iTunes Connect that you no longer need to see or manage, you can delete it from your iTunes Connect view. Deleting your app will not allow you to re-use your SKU or App Name and you will not be able to restore your app once deleted.

So far so good. Then it gets slightly confusing:

If you are selling your app to another developer for their own distribution and need to remove it from your iTunes Connect account, we recommend that you use App Delete so the App Name will be freed up for their use.

Does this mean that I won't be able to reuse the name in my account, but other accounts will? Has anybody tried this?

+1  A: 

I just ran into this today trying to submit my app. I used an incorrect bundle ID and nievely assumed that deleting the app from iTunes Connect would release the app name and SKU for me to reuse when I recreated the app. Not so. Now I get these two errors:

  • The SKU number you entered has already been used.
  • The App Name you entered has already been used.

You are correct when you say their documentation is confusing. What the heck is "App Delete," and how is it any different from the "Delete Application" button in iTunes Connect?

I only hope I'm not screwed with regards to my app name being unavailable forever. I've contacted Support so here's hoping...

Nathan Alden
Good luck with Support Nathan! Let us know if they help you to make sense of the documentation.
They didn't. Typical Apple auto-reply "please see page blahblah of our development documentation." :(
Nathan Alden

Any news Nathan? - can you use you're deleted name? I've done exactly the same as I put the wrong bundle ID and couldn't find any way to edit it.


Same problem here. I put a bad Budle ID, deleted it, and i'm stuck ! Contacted apple support... wait & wait


I am having the same issue. I have call apple and send email to them. havn't got any answer.

+1  A: 

Hello, when you delete an application from iTunes Connect you can't upload with the same App Name and SKU in the same developer Apple id. This resource is for migrate an App for another company or individual developer. Ex. when an App was sold.


Me too. Can't believe the system is so poorly implemented. App never went live. Can't change the bundle ID. It doesn't warn you on that page that you're creating names you can never reuse or change.
