



I have a following SQL table with data

id  order productname
79   1     name1
42   2     name2
67   3     somename
88   4     othername
99   5     XYZ
66   6     ABC

Display order is very volatile, it will change frequently, users will add or remove items and reorder the items.

How should i handle this situation without updating multiple records. Example: if user enters a new product between 1 and 2 order, i do not want to update the order of all the records beneath 2 and if someone switch order 3 to 4 i don't want to update every record under 3.

Also, how should i design the history table to keep order history.

+4  A: 

Use the 'orrible old trick made famous(?) by old BASIC coders - set your orders to be 100, 200, 300, 400 etc. and then you can pick an order 'inbetween' when you need to. This could get messy - and if you're anticipating a lot of reordering then I'd recommend that you have a scheduled task to 'reorder' the order values every now and then for the entire table.

Will A
Problem with the scheduled task - the old order will be in place till the job executes.
OMG Ponies
@OMG Ponies - How would this be a problem? My take is that the order value is for display purposes only - if it's being used as the primary key end of a foreign key anywhere then all bets are off.
Will A
You're correct; display is all I was speaking to.
OMG Ponies
@Ponies: I think the scheduled task is not to change the actual ordering, but to reset the numbers to be separated by 100 so that you don't run into a situation in which all the intermediate numbers have been filled up.
Larry Lustig
+2  A: 

You have two options:

  • Iterate over the rows, using an UPDATE statement with a function/etc to generate the updated order value
  • Scorched Earth: You delete the existing records, and insert identical ones save the corrected order value

There's no SQL functionality to make this easier, and no real option that is simplistic.

OMG Ponies
LOL @ scorched earth.
Mike Sherov
@Mike Sherov: I loved that game =)
OMG Ponies
+1. Although it updates all the rows in the user's orders, it makes for cleanest retrieval and can also prevent concurrency issues. Clever use of clustered indexes can also almost always mean all the updated rows are all on the same page, so the performance penalty of multiple row updates is minimal.
@BothOfYou: MIRV! :p
Will A

You could instead use a linked list for ordering (with some special way to identify the head).

Insertions are one INSERT and one UPDATE. Deletions are one DELETE and one UPDATE. A move is three UPDATEs. (Use transactions to ensure the linked list doesn't break, of course.)

Insertions, deletions, and updates are all relatively efficient with a linked list (although the OP didn't even want to do two updates for a swap). The problem with the linked list is retrieval — for N items you need N SELECTs.
Larry Lustig
@Larry Lustig, Yes, but the OP is probably retrieving all the items in the list anyway, and O(N) probably doesn't hurt at all on the client code.
I see, you're building the linked list in memory after retrieving all the records from the database in a single SELECT. That is considerably more efficient than what I thought you were recommending — retrieving the rows one at a time in order by checking the Next pointer as you retrieve each row.
Larry Lustig
+1  A: 

Add a DATETIME column called OrderDateTime. Use this column (in descending order) to resolve "ties" in ordering, and only update it when an ordering operation takes place.

For instance, in your example, assume all the rows have an OrderDateTime value from yesterday.

Now, to insert an item between 1 and 2, you'd set it's Order value to 2 and it's OrderDateTime value to now. When you SELECT * FROM ProductList ORDER BY Order ASC, OrderDateTime DESC the new number 2 item will sort before the existing one.

Similarly, to swap items 4 and 5, you'd update item 5 to have an order of 4 and an OrderDateTime of now. It would become a more recent 4 item and appear earlier.

You need to watch out, if you try to insert an item between two other items that already have the same Order value, that you split the OrderDateTime value difference.

Larry Lustig
Pretty smart, though it *feels* like a hack.
Hack is my middle name.
Larry Lustig
Interesting, but I'd rather not be the one to support that.
OMG Ponies
+4  A: 

A second answer to the same question:

Use a DOUBLE field for ordering and split the difference between the two values you want to insert between. In any standard business application, I doubt very, very much whether you'll ever approach the number of inserts beyond which you cannot resolve the sort order difference.

Larry Lustig

You can use a string in place of a number of infinitely many digits. If you want to insert between "1" and "2" make it a "15".

And now you have an upper limit...