



Hi there!

I have an NSMutableArray countHistory defined and am trying to pass it to the next view controller:

Updated Code:

NSLog(@"Debug One");
HistoryTableViewController *controller;
NSLog(@"Debug Two");
controller = [[HistoryTableViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"HistoryTableViewController" bundle:nil];
NSLog(@"Debug Three");

controller.countHistory = self.countHistory; /* this is the line! */
NSLog(@"Debug Four");

UINavigationController *navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:controller];
NSLog(@"Debug Five");
[self presentModalViewController:navController animated:YES];
NSLog(@"Debug Six");

Unfortunately the app crashes silently at that point, without any error messages. I do get Debug messages up to «Debug Five». If I remove the line the view appears as expected and the app doesn't crash.

For the record: countHistory is an NSMutableArray in this class as well as in HistoryTableViewController. It is synthesized in HistoryTableViewController. If I simply add some data to countHistory within HistoryTableViewController it all works as expected.

So I'm pretty much clueless… Anybody who can lend a helping hand?

Thanks a lot & Cheers!
