I found Question#1321270 for post install. My main target for the moment is bdist_wininst, but i did not find anything related to uninstall...
For clarification:
I want to register a com server after installation and de-register it before uninstall.
Extended answer:
ars' answer seems correct, however, for the completeness of things (I think the docs leave some room for improvements on this topic...):
I have NOT as was suggested by mention of Question#1321270 extended distutils.command.install
, but written a new python sript called scripts/install.py
and set the following in setup.py:
options = {
"bdist_wininst" : {
"install_script" : "install.py",
The install.py is definitively being called on install. It seems, though that it is (despite to what the docs say) not being called on uninstall...