



In the Apache log configuration it is possible to specify that the HTTP auth user name should be logged. Most PHP scripts have their own, cookie-based authentication. Is it possible in PHP to provide Apache with a HTTP auth username for logging purposes, even if the authentication is cookie-based? If yes, how would the code look like? If not, what are alternatives?


A possibility is to store usernames & past session_ids somewhere else, and let the log write the cookie values in it (usually %{PHPSESSID}C), which you then can trace back.

Another option would be to send a header with the username back to the client, preferably right after your session_start:


header('X-Php-Sess-User: '.$username);



Short of using an Apache handler to touch the internal auth* data structures, your best bet is to resort to environment variables. You would set a top-level environment variable using apache_setenv in your PHP code


and then write the value to the log file with a LogFormat entry in your Apache config using "%{USERID}e" instead of "%u"

LogFormat "%v:%p %h %l %{USERID}e %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" envuid_combined
CustomLog /path/to/access.log envuid_combined

Of course, the real credentials when performing actual HTTP auth would be lost forever, so consider saving %u somewhere else -- either in a new field or in a parallel log file.

wouldn't a environment variable be global and as such be unreliable
Esben Skov Pedersen