Using windows hooks I send messages to my application, which is notified about Windows events by every application on the system.
To execute marshal of the message parameters, I use shared memories. The external process calls DuplicateHandle, but for sharing the handle with my application instance, it shall call OpenProcess with PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE privilege requirements.
Actually every application is able to send messages using this architecture, even if I need to enable SeDebugPrivilege to the external process. It actually works, except for the 'explorer' process, which doesn't have the SeDebugPrivilege token...
The documentation of AdjustTokenPrivileges states:
The AdjustTokenPrivileges function cannot add new privileges to the access token. It can only enable or disable the token's existing privileges. To determine the token's privileges, call the GetTokenInformation function.
So, the question is... how to add the SeDebugPrivilege token to 'explorer' process, or alternatively, how to allow 'explorer' process to call OpenProcess(PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, FALSE, pId)