




I have a command called youtube-dl .. but dont know where it is installed.. i can run it from shell.. how do i find where it is installed ? which youtube-dl doesnt say anything..

+1  A: 

Have you tried

whereis youtube-dl


Otherwise you could just search for it:

find / -name youtube-dl 
Felix Kling
+3  A: 

If you can't find it with which (or whereis) then it could be:

  • a function defined in .bashrc or .profile (or some other file the shell loads on startup or login)
  • an alias defined in one of the above files.

You can search your environment for youtube-dl:

$ set | grep youtube-dl

or save it to some file and load it into a texteditor:

$ set >myenv
$ open -a textedit myenv

and for the aliases:

$ alias >myalias


$ alias | grep youtube-dl
Luther Blissett
But you won't find aliases with it. In this case try e.g. `less .bash_profile | grep youtube-dl`.
Felix Kling
@Felix: Oh yes, thank you. Fixed (I hope)
Luther Blissett
Hey Luther, you are right. It was an alias and I was never able to find it in which and whereis.
Deepan Chakravarthy
+3  A: 

Bash has a command that will show whether a command is an alias, a function or an executable in your path (and, if so, where):

type -a youtube-dl

It's much better than which.

Dennis Williamson