



Is there a shortcut key to bring up the call hierarchy of a method inline with the code, in the quick menu format, rather than bringing up the call hierarchy panel?

+2  A: 

If you just want to jump to one of the callers of the method, CTRL-ALT F7 is the way to go.

There is a Default Keymap Reference on the Help menu

Ulf Lindback
I like this quick window. Is it possible to map a keyboard shortcut to navigate these items? I would much rather use emacs keyboard mapping like ctrl-n to navigate down instead of the down arrow.
It seem that down in the Emacs keymap doesn't applies to this quick window, submit a request/bug at Jetbrains, they are usually very responsive with fixing things.
Ulf Lindback
+3  A: 

I don't think the inline method call hierarchy exists (please enlighten me if I am wrong).

  • ctrl+alt+h shows the call hierarchy in the tool window
  • alt+F7 opens the dialog to find the usages
  • ctrl+f7 finds the usages in the ame file
Wow - I am using IntellIJ since 4.0 and I didn't know about ctrl+alt+h thanks :)
Gregory Mostizky