
This should work I think:

 [element setFrame:...];

However if you work with different UI elements in your method may be you can make your elements parameter UIView* instead of id? This way your code will work for all UIView subclasses (which is what you actually need I suppose)

Yeah, I thought about that already. But still. Somehow it should work with id... I will try setFrame though. Thanks
That actually worked. But I dont really get whats the difference? Compiler issue, or why does this work?
Yes it is compiler issue, having only id type compiler can't determine what frame is.

The difference is that "id" doesn't have any kind of reference to a frame. It could be anything. You want to instead do (UIView *)element in the method declaration, or alternatively in the call to element.frame, you would do ((UIView *)element).frame.

(And yeah, all things that you put on the screen are inheriting from UIView -- UIButton, UIImageView, etc.)

Yeah I know that. I was just wondering why id did not work. Even though it does not have a reference I thought it should be checked at compile time...
"Compile time" has no clue what kind of stuff you'll end up throwing at an id-declared argument to a method -- you, or your coworker etc.