RODBC error in Revolution R 64bit on winxp64 bit connected to Oracle using a 64bit ODBC driver thru a DSN
db <- odbcConnect("oraclemiso",uid="epicedf",pwd="…")
rslts = sqlQuery(db, "select count(*) from FTRAuction")
Error in .Call(C_RODBCFetchRows, attr(channel, "handle_ptr"), max, buffsize, :
negative length vectors are not allowed
I am able to connect but get an error when I query for stuff, also the below works
channel <- odbcConnect("OraLSH", <user>, <password>))
odbcQuery (channel, "select sysdate from dual")
sqlGetResults(channel,, errors=FALSE, max=1, buffsize=1,
nullstring=NA, na.strings="NA", believeNRows=TRUE, dec=getOption("dec"))
1 2010-01-24 15:10:02
but what if I dont know the rowsize(max=1) before hand
Thanks, Arun