




I am still learning a lot of C#. And would like to hone my skills for future interviews. What are some simple C# problems to solve? The last interview I did had a pretty simple problem in it that I kind of struggled with, don't want that to happen again.

+2  A: 

I suggest checking out past problems from the ACM ICPC competitions. ACM ICPC is the granddaddy of all programming competitions. But, if you like solve a problem a day you'll definitely hone your skills :)

here's the official website: http://cm.baylor.edu/welcome.icpc

And if you don't feel like navigating here's a quick link to this year's finals problem set: http://cm.baylor.edu/ICPCWiki/attach/Problem%20Resources/2010WorldFinalProblemSet.pdf

Great exercise for the brain. :)

oh, plus you should try googling common interview questions and solve those too! :)
The problem with those are that they're too advanced for me. I was thinking of starting out with much more simpler problems to begin with.I am already reading other interview questions here on SO and on Google. But haven't found a good source of problems I can solve :(.
oh :( hmmm...well if you have any programming textbooks around, they usually have good problems to try in the back of chapters. That's a good start. :)I'll try to think of one that I own that's good enough to recommend. :)
Well here's a book you should look into: Programming Interviews Exposed: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/047012167X/books24x7com I've only skimmed through it, but it seems to be a good prep book.
Thank you very much!!

UVa Online Judge has some nice problems but no submission for C# solutions although C/C++ is supported, Sphere Online Judge has some as well but those are mathematically oriented, although UVa is one of the biggest collections of problems, I guess you can write it in C# and test it against some of your own input or translate to C++ or Java and try it that way.

Jesus Ramos
Thanks I'll check it out.
+1  A: 

Here are some C # interview questions


I realize this was 2 months ago, so you've probably become a C# master by now :)

But I've found the project euler problems to be very nice. They are all math problems, and they aren't language specific. So they won't help you with C# per se, but they will help wrap your mind around different ways to solve problems.

Just as an example, the first question is:

If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.

Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.

I won't give away the answer, but it's pretty easy to figure out with code if you think about it. Hope this helps and good luck.

