Hey I suppose you could use a try-catch combination to handle a somewhat unexpected error and do something about it.
As an example,
function [ output ] = test(input)
Bmat = [ 1 1 1 ] % Some matrix
catch ME
return; % This is the statement that exits your function
If you run
>> test([1 1 1])
It won't work since the variables 'input' and 'B' have mismatched inner dimensions, but the 'try' statement will throw an exception to 'catch', and do whatever you want from there. In this case, it will display an error message at the command line and exit the function.
The variable 'ME' here is just a MATLAB object for error handling, and ME.message stores a string containing the type of error the interpreter caught.
I just read your question again... I assume the command 'return' is probably what you are really after, you will be able use it to exit from any logic or loop statements, as well as functions.
You can read more about the 'return' command and error handling from the MATLAB documentation,