Note: The answer given here doesn't work for me.
I have a UIScrollView (not a table view, just a custom thing), and when the user takes certain actions, I want to kill any scrolling (dragging or deceleration) inside the view. I've tried doing e.g. this:
[scrollView scrollRectToVisible:CGRectInset([scrollView bounds], 10, 10) animated:NO];
on the theory that, given a rect that's already known visible, the scrolling will just stop where it is, but it turns out that this doesn't have any effect-- apparently the scroll view sees that the given rect is in bounds and takes no action. I can get the scroll to stop, if I give a rect that is definitely outside the currently-visible bounds, but inside the contentSize of the view. This seems to halt the view as expected... but also causes it to jump to some other location. I could probably do a little playing around at the margins to get this to work reasonably OK, but does anyone know of a clean way to halt a scroll view that's doing its thing?