Hi. I would like to open a connection to SQL database, and then have access to individual cells. I have an example that uses PivotTableWizard (presented below). I would like to know of a way that does not have anything to do Pivot Tables - I would like to iterate cell-by-cell. Or is this PivotTableWizard suitable for that purpose also?
The example mentioned:
ConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=Serversql11;Persist Security Info=False;Integrated Security=SSPI;Database=DB_IC;"
PivotName = "Talks"
QArray = Array(ConnectionString, _
"exec dbo.talksReport '" & CStr(param_date) & "'")
Worksheets("Talks").PivotTableWizard xlExternal, QArray, Worksheets("Talks").Range("A1"), PivotName
TIA /Karol