



I have just installed wampserver on windows 7 it works fine for me but when i restart windows and click on Start Wamp Server it starts but not showing any page at http://localhost i have not any skype or any service install let me know how can i fix that


Stop Wamp Server again. Does it change the behaviour?

If not, there must be any other service running on port 80.

+2  A: 

Is your user account one that has Administrator privileges? Did you try to start the Wamp Server using the 'Run as Administrator' option?

of course it has Administrator Privliges and how can i check if any other service is on port 80
Web Worm
@testkhan 1) Open command prompt. 2) Type 'netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:80'. 3) The last column of every returned entry is a Process ID. 4) Open up the Task Manager, and find the process with the matching ID from the previous step. That should do it.
i have do that as u mentions it shows me an id which is associated to wampapache but it still not working
Web Worm